The Military Mobile Force Protection Training (MMFPT) course focuses on enhancing the survivability of the operator while engaged in SOF operations in both urban and rural environments – using both tactical and non-standard vehicles. This course is developed in response to the threat of insurgent activities in Iraq and Afghanistan, although the principles of the instruction apply to any high-threat operating environment.
Through realistic scenarios, the instruction deals with the physiological and psychological aspects of combat to reduce hesitation. This allows correct response to initial contact and maximizes the options available to the team for enhanced survivability. The training also provides opportunity to evaluate response under worst-case conditions such as limited ammunition, small isolated groups of operators (2-4 personnel), wounded team members and no immediate support available.
Using the Simunition® FX® system and live pyrotechnics, ACADEMI staff creates a realistic threat to condition the student's response to fear and improve their tactical skills with actual firearms. The Simunition® FX® system allows the use of modified-issue firearms with the same magazine capacities as firearms actually carried in combat. Further, it goes beyond the "point and splat" paint-ball method and allows students to use the same marksmanship and tactical skills acquired during the training cycle. This realism in training can mean the difference between life and death.
This course will enhance the capabilities of students by developing increased survival skills and providing well-trained instinctive responses to threats. The training is designed to be as realistic as possible to simulate the operator's combat environment, while maintaining safety and control to ensure no personnel are injured and no equipment is damaged. The course of instruction is progressive, building upon previously acquired skills. To maximize each student’s chance of success, sufficient instructors are made available to ensure no student falls behind in training, using breakout training as needed.